Joined on 7/3/09
Yeah i8usernames------>
I'm pretty excited they have added the Art Portal as well.
Is there NOTHING that Newgrounds can't do? I mean, art, flash movies and games, literature, chats, blogs, entire collections, forums, downloads, they just have it ALL.
I love all of your work and I'm happy to have discovered you here. I added you as a favorite artist too! Went over to your website and checked out what you had THERE. I gotta say, you are by far an amazing artist with ALOT to share. Keep up all the kick @ss work and I'm looking forward to seeing even MORE of your stuff as time goes by. I have a thing for black and white composition, in case you couldn't tell. Heh heh heh *goes back to look at your latest submissions* Until next time. . .
...........Take care, be good and enjoy the
simplistic detailing of mere black and white.period
Your artwork is very intriguing